Unsettled Subjects/Confronting Questions is a reading group, initially composed of architectural academics and scholars, set up in Spring 2020, through the COVID-19 pandemic and the wake of the murder of George Floyd.

The group was established as an ‘Open Studio’ at School of Architecture and Cities at the University of Westminster, in the context of the Black Lives Matter movement. It was set up to reflect our ongoing commitment to challenge the systemic and structural legacies of [British] imperialism, colonialism and slavery within the built environment and beyond.

Since then we have expanded, both in size and remit. Our focus remains on the dynamic, transformative yet marginalised practices of indigenous and diasporic communities of former colonies; it continues to expand through gender, body politics and other so-called marginal perspectives.

The purpose of the Unsettled Subjects reading group is to provide its members with more terms — more languages — to address the things we feel we need to talk about, but too often fail to articulate.

Follow @unsettledsubjects on Instagram


Thanks & Acknowledgments