Summer 2021

Frantz Fanon
Black Skin, White Masks
London: Penguin, 2021

We turn to identity. Critical theorist Homi K. Bhabha writes,

‘For Fanon…there is the intricate irony of turning the European existentialist and psychoanalytic traditions to face the history of the Negro which they had never contemplated, to face the reality of Fanon himself…In shifting the focus of cultural racism from the politics of naitonalism to the politics of narcissism, Fanon opens up a margin of interrogation that causes a subversive slippage of identity and authority.’

— ‘Foreword’ to the 1986 Pluto edition of Black Skin, White Masks


Unsettled Subjects met to discuss reading this book in May, June and July 2021
Page numbers in the schedule below refer to the 2021 Penguin edition.

12 May:  Introduction (pp. vii-xiv); Chapter One: The Black Man and Language (pp. 1-23)

26 May: Chapter Two: The Woman of Colour and the White Man (pp. 24-44); Chapter Three: The Man of Color and the White Woman (pp. 45-63)

9 June: Chapter Four: The So-Called Dependency Complex of the Colonized (pp. 64-88); Chapter Five: The Lived Experience of the Black Man (pp. 89–119)

23 June: Chapter Six: The Black Man and Psychopathology (pp. 120–184)

7 July: Chapter Seven: The Black Man and Recognition (pp. 185–97); Chapter Eight: By Way of Conclusion (pp. 198–206)

More Quotes

Further Readings

